Jorge Marlo Mira Gutierrez talk about having a one world society

Jorge Marlo Mira Gutierrez talk about having a one world society

Jorge Marlo Mira Gutierrez say having a one world society and one world nature of society will makes us obtain and been the fundamental source and beginning of global peace and understanding in each every people in the world.

Jorge Marlo Mira Gutierrez that there are at least 249 Nations or Countries in the world which is having different culture, belief, tradition, political and religious system and faith, power, money etc. like American, Russian, Chinese, Filipino, Spanish, English, British and other, some of this are fighting and controlling and expanding, civilizing, colonizing, industrializing,each other and on what they are, what their culture, belief, faith, power, rights, money and others, and because of that it is been the core of misunderstanding in each other and every people in the world. There are belief that can make us one, this is are the belief that we are people and human beings that belong to one species a species of family hominidae which is basically and fundamentally core and that is our nature of what we are and because of that we know what we are and we can identify ourselves, but when it comes of our nature of livings and how we act on it and how we continue to exist we already following different ways of our own, through or by means of our belief and our purpose and we are fighting and defending on it and that what keeps us going and to exist in the world, and because of that we are now being control of it or that what is controlling now to us, we are now being control and exist and continue living on what we belief, law, power, wisdom and knowledge, faith, money etc. or by what we are., and some of this people who having some of this belief and thinking different and corrupting our/or each system and killing their selves, destroying of our nature, and ending of our species and even our world, and been forgotten that we are in the same species and family as human beings, and other also is findings solution, preventing and finding a way to obtain world and global peace and understanding in each every one of us, and one of the solution of this problems and to obtain world and global peace and understanding is to start in his fundamental core which is of having and understanding of one nature of livings  of each other, I believe that to obtain one global peace and understanding in each other is begin and start on each other (1)nature of livings, followed by one nature of (2) faith (if we priorities religion), and then one nature and system of (3) governance and Law and control to the people and species, as we (i) studied the Kontrolerism is what is our nature of livings, which people and species and other things, continue to exist and live their purpose by of controlling in each other, rights, belief, political and religious systems, money,  faith and other etc., if we are going to have a one nature of livings we can have one fundamental core or belief of livings and that is the Kontrolerism in each other as also we respect and understand their purpose of existence, and their belief., that the reason we introduced and recommend and propose of having a one world society and one world nature society and that is the Kontrolerism so we propose the Kontrolerism Society and his uphold law’s to be the World State and Nation society in the world and the solution and been the foundation and core of one world understanding of one nature of livings in each other in the world.


  1. Proposing of one world society and one nature of society in the world that respect to each every one belief, rights, power or kinds and we introduce, recommend and propose the Kontrolerism Society as World State and Nation Society, that bear the kontrolerism propose doctrine in every Nations and state in the world.
  2. Proposing of One World Nature of Faith (to those religious person) – Following the Kontrolerism Religious belief as Unity of Gods.
  3. Proposing the One world Governance and law (the Founding World Nation Organization and World Government Organization, and World Military Organization and it’s Law in the world)
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